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How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card In All Legal States

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in all Legal States? Click on the state on the map above to find out state laws.

If you are interested in applying for a medical marijuana card click on the state hyperlinks listed below.

Also you can search for a medical marijuana doctor using our directory. They will be able to help you apply for a medical marijuana card.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Alaska? Eligible Conditions in Alaska: (A) chronic pain, cachexia, cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or treatment for any of these conditions;

(B) any chronic or debilitating disease or treatment for such diseases, which produces, for a specific patient, one or more of the following, and for which, in the professional opinion of the patient’s physician, such condition or conditions reasonably may be alleviated by the medical use of the marijuana: severe pain; severe nausea; seizures, including those that are characteristic of epilepsy; or persistent muscle spasms, including those that are characteristic or multiple sclerosis; or

(C) any other medical condition, or treatment for such condition, approved by the department, under regulations adopted under AS17.37.060 or approval of a petition submitted under AS17.37.060

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona? Eligible Conditions in Arizona: Cancer, Glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Cachexia or wasting syndrome, Severe and chronic pain, Severe nausea, Seizures (including epilepsy), Severe or persistent muscle spasms (including multiple sclerosis).

The patient needs to be diagnosed with a debilitating condition in order to qualify for a medical marijuana card.

Eligible Conditions in California:

Anxiety, Severe nausea, Migraine, Chronic pain, Arthritis, Cachexia, Cancer, Glaucoma, Persistent muscle spasms, including spasms associated with multiple sclerosis, AIDS, Anorexia, seizures, including seizures associated with epilepsy and various chronic or persistent medical symptoms that are related to debilitating conditions (chemotherapy side effects, Fibromyalgia, Radiation therapy side-effects).

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado? Eligible Conditions in Colorado: Cancer, Glaucoma, HIV or AIDS positive

OR a chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition that produces, for this patient, one or more of the following and which, in the physician’s professional opinion, may be alleviated by the medical use of marijuana: Cachexia, Severe pain, Severe nausea, Seizures (including those characteristic of epilepsy), Persistent muscle spasms.

If a patient possesses a larger amount of marijuana than is currently allowed, then the patient may state an “affirmative defense of medical necessity”.

Eligible Conditions in Connecticut:

Positive status for human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome [HIV/AIDS], glaucoma, epilepsy, cachexia, wasting syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Cancer, Crohn’s disease, posttraumatic stress disorder, or… any medical condition, medical treatment or disease approved by the Department of Consumer Protection, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord.

In order to obtain a card, you have to be at least 18 years old and may not have previous felonies or a criminal record.


Eligible Conditions in Delaware: debilitating medical conditions, ALS, decomposed cirrhosis, wasting syndrome, cancer, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, agitation of Alzheimer’s disease, and post-traumatic stress disorder

Important Note: Medical marijuana cards have been issued. However, compassions centers are not open yet.

Eligible Medical Conditions in Hawaii: Cachexia, Cancer, Chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, Epilepsy and other disorders characterized by seizures, Glaucoma, HIV or AIDs, Multiple sclerosis and other disorders characterized by muscle spasticity, Nausea, Other conditions are subject to approval by the Hawaii Department of Health.

Two bills directly related to the revision of Hawaii’s medical marijuana program have been approved on May 2, 2013. For a more detailed overview of the medical marijuana law in Hawaii, please click here. A bill has recently been introduced to tax. Regulate marijuana in the same manner as alcohol.

Eligible Medical Conditions in Massachusetts: Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis C, Cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis and other conditions as determined in writing by a qualifying patient’s physician.”

A detailed list of medical marijuana rules in Massachusetts can be found here. A bill to regulate marijuana like Colorado. Washington is underway.

Even though Maryland has passed a medical marijuana bill on May 2, 2013, the regulations are still not implemented. Therefore, you won’t find any official lists of medical marijuana conditions in Maryland. For a more recent update on the developments of medical marijuana in Maryland, please click here.

Eligible Conditions in Michigan: Cancer, Glaucoma, Positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), Hepatitis C, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, Agitation of Alzheimer’s disease, Nail patella

A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one of more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe and chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures, including but not limited to those caused by epilepsy; or severe or persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to, those which are characteristic of multiple sclerosis.

Important note: Michigan has a weird non-medical marijuana law that has different penalties for possession and use that could land you a year or two in jail and a fine up to $2,000 so be sure to have your medical marijuana card with you at all times.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Montana? Eligible Medical Conditions in Montana: Cancer, glaucoma, or positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or the treatment of these conditions

A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one or more of the following: Cachexia or wasting syndrome, Severe or chronic pain, Severe nausea, Seizures, including but not limited to seizures caused by epilepsy, Severe or persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to spasms caused by multiple sclerosis or Crohn’s disease, painful peripheral neuropathy; A central nervous system disorder resulting in chronic, painful spasticity; Admittance into hospice care.

After 24 dispensaries have been raided in 2011, Montana’s medical marijuana law had to go through some significant changes and as of May 10, 2013, it has been challenged in court. On October 1st, 2013, a draconian law will be put into effect that allows police officers to fine a medical marijuana patient if the patient is caught DUI. Needless to say, without marijuana, some patients wouldn’t even make it to the front porch.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Nevada? Eligible Conditions in Nevada: AIDS, Cancer, Glaucoma, Cachexia (wasting disease), Persistent muscle spasms, including spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, Seizures, including seizures caused by epilepsy, Severe nausea, Severe pain, Any other medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that is: (a) Classified as a chronic or debilitating medical condition by regulation of the Division; or (b) Approved as a chronic or debilitating medical condition following an application to the DHSS

Two bills, one for dispensaries and the other for DUI, seem to be making headway after a Nevada judge called the current law ridiculous and absurd.

Eligible Medical Conditions in New Jersey: multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, muscular dystrophy, or inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease, severe or chronic pain, severe nausea or vomiting, cachexia, or wasting syndrome resulting from HIV/AIDS or cancer; Seizure disorder, including epilepsy, intractable skeletal muscular spasticity, glaucoma; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease); terminal illness, if the physician has given a prognosis of less than 12 months to live and of course, any life or medical condition that is approved by the Department of Health and Senior Services.

Note: Only doctors registered with the state are allowed to decide which patients are eligible for the New Jersey’s medical marijuana program. As of March 2, 2013, only one dispensary has been opened in NJ.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in New Mexico? Eligible Conditions in New Mexico: Severe chronic pain, Painful peripheral neuropathy, Intractable nausea/vomiting, Severe anorexia/cachexia, Hepatitis C infection, Crohn’s disease, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Cancer, Glaucoma, Multiple sclerosis, Damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with intractable spasticity, Epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, Hospice patients

Important note: New Mexico is currently reducing fines for marijuana possession and is seriously considering taxing and regulating marijuana. Support this idea and ask your legislators to decriminalize marijuana entirely in 2013.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Oregon? Eligible Conditions in Oregon: Alzheimer’s Agitation, Cancer, Glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, Cachexia (wasting syndrome), Severe Pain, Severe Nausea, Seizures, not limited to Epilepsy; or Persistent Muscle Spasms, not limited to Multiple Sclerosis. If suffering from conditions not stated on the list, contact the Health Division of the Oregon Department of Human Resources for approval.

A Senate Bill (SB) 281 is currently in the works and is specifically concentrated on adding post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the list of qualifying conditions in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. Oregon is also buzzing with rumors that the end of marijuana prohibition may be near.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Rhonde? Eligible Conditions in Rhode Island: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, or the treatment of the following conditions; A debilitating or chronic disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces cachexia or wasting syndrome; glaucoma, cancer; debilitating, severe, chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures, including but not limited to, those characteristic of epilepsy; or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to, those characteristic of multiple sclerosis or Crohn’s disease; or agitation of Alzheimer’s Disease; or any other medical condition or its treatment approved by the state Department of Health.

A bill is currently being discussed in court that would allow taxation and regulation of marijuana and thus end the cannabis prohibition in Rhode Island. Even law enforcement officers are testifying that arresting people for marijuana offenses only averts their attention from the real criminals.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Vermont? Eligible Conditions in Vermont: Cachexia (wasting syndrome), seizures, severe pain, AIDS, HIV, multiple sclerosis, nausea or the treatment of the following conditions if the illness or the treatment that accompanies it is severe, persistent, contains intractable symptom; or a disease, medical condition whose treatment is debilitating, chronic and produces persistent or retractable symptoms such as chronic pain and severe seizures. It seems that the decriminalization of marijuana in Vermont has been taken seriously. On May 13; The House gave a final nod of approval to the Vermont decriminalization bill.

How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Washington? Eligible Conditions in Washington State: Cancer, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Multiple sclerosis, Epilepsy or other seizure disorder, Spasticity disorders, Intractable pain, (that is pain unrelieved by standard medical treatments and medications), Glaucoma, either acute or chronic (increased intraocular pressure unrelieved by standard treatments and medications), Crohn’s disease with debilitating symptoms unrelieved by standard treatments or medications, Hepatitis C with debilitating nausea or intractable pain unrelieved by standard treatments or medications.

Diseases, including anorexia, resulting in the following symptoms which are unrelieved by standard treatments or medications: Nausea, Vomiting, Wasting, Appetite loss, Cramping, Seizures, Muscle spasms, Spasticity, any other medical condition approved by the Washington state medical quality assurance commission in consultation with the board of osteopathic medicine and surgery.

Important Note: If you’re wondering if the same medical marijuana law still applies even though Washington State legalized marijuana for recreational use, then the answer is - Yes! For a list of frequently asked questions regarding the I-502 measure, please click here.

District of Columbia (Washington DC)

Eligible Conditions in the District of Columbia: Chronic, ongoing, debilitating and other conditions that make it virtually impossible for a patient to function normally throughout the day. HIV, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, AIDS, cancer, medical conditions that can benefit from the use of marijuana, and side effects stemming from radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


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