In 1996, California became the first State to legalize use of cannabis for medical purpose. The State laid down provisions for medical marijuana evaluations for all the cities including Los Angeles, the weed capital city.
November next, Utahans would have the privilege to vote for Prop 2 under Utah Ballot Initiative 2018. . There is a strong enthusiasm among the people to vote this way or that way.
Billboards with scriptures from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are seen requesting people to vote “Yes” on Prop 2.
Utah Patients Coalition supports the move. They are leading the campaign for the establishment of medical marijuana evaluations for the sick Utahans
There are also people who advocate that initiative is good but the provisions of Prop 2 are too strict, too little. They say that patients who really need a law on medical cannabis, like Prop 64, medical marijuana evaluations Los Angeles, may stand cheated in the name of Prop 2. They feel that Prop 2 would not help the patients in need but may encourage recreational use of cannabis, which is anti people and anti social.
There are also yet another groups in the society who want that Prop 2 should be abandoned. One of such groups comprises of the church leaders, who has certain concerns. Their suggestion is, instead of going for vote on Prop 2, the legislature should legalize medical marijuana.
Another group is Utah Medical Association. This group is opposing The Utah Medical Cannabis Act. The Association also gives a lip-tight statement that they are not opposed to any idea of cannabis use for health if the law discourages any misuse of the substance. Their apprehension is that once medical marijuana is legalized, the move would pave the way for misuse of the law for recreational purpose.
Medical Marijuana Evaluations & Card Program under Utah Proposition 2, 2018:
Prop 2 would cover the following persons for cannabis treatment:
An individual or a parent Legal guardian of a minor who wants to use marijuana for medical purposes to receive a medical card from the Utah Department of Health Qualifying people will have to receive a medical card or a recommendation from a physician Physicians could recommend marijuana if the patient has a qualifying illness and may benefit from using marijuana. Under certain conditions, patients would be permitted to grow up to 6 cannabis plants for their personal use.
Qualifying Illnesses Under Prop 2:
If majority of the people voted “Yes”, Prop 2 would enable patients having following conditions to use medical marijuana.
HIV, AIDs, or other autoimmune disorder Alzheimer’s disease Amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Autism Cancer Cachexia Crohn’s disease Epilepsy & related seizures Gastrointestinal disorder Ulcerative colitis, Multiple sclerosis Muscle spasms Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Chronic or debilitating pain if a physician determines that the individual is at risk of becoming dependent on or overdosing on opiate pain medication or is otherwise unable to use opiates Other conditions evaluated on a case-by-case basis Wasting disease characterized by physical wasting such as weight and muscle loss A condition manifest by nausea or malnutrition associated with chronic disease Any rare condition or disease affecting less than 200,000 individuals in the U.S.
Prop 2 & SB 420
With small variations, provisions of Prop 2 and the SB 420, the California law are near about same. In California, the State through California Dept.
To get a medical marijuana card california follow the link.